
Springtime in Texas is like Summer in the Northeast which made for a perfect time to go to the Dallas Zoo. The boys had a great time and I am sure they had as much fun watching the animals as the animals had watching them!

Aiden has done very well (in part due to the mild winter) and is “eating” more consistently. Of course, he is still tube-fed but at least he is on the right path.

The twins continue to have allergy and ear issues. Other than that they are doing quite well. Below are some pictures and video from the zoo. As you can tell, the boys loved watching the penguins.


2012_03_002.jpgOn his way to the….

2012_03_003.jpgDallas Zoo!

2012_03_005.jpgWaiting to go and visit some animals

2012_03_007.jpgRiding the Kangaroos

2012_03_009.jpgLoving it

2012_03_022.jpgTime to eat

2012_03_023.jpgTime to ponder

2012_03_031.jpgI hope the turtle has a strong shell

2012_03_033.jpgKing of the Jungle downgraded to King of the Zoo

2012_03_035.jpgThe boys fed the giraffe some food

2012_03_045.jpgRunning away

2012_03_047.jpgDaddy drives fast cars?

2012_03_050.jpgDon’t fall in!